
Postcard from Brooklyn (Sept., 2018)

Dear my secret readers,

Usually I am out of town once or twice a month for concerts or for other reasons, but this late summer and and early fall I have been in New York. I have been actually quite excited about that.

The weather has been so fantastic, and I have some time to practice and walk with friends when there’s plenty of natural light outside. My usual boundary to explore is quite limited to Manhattan, but this past weekend my friend and I went to Brooklyn to check out the Botanic Garden. It’s very far from where I live. Though the subway was running quite well without any major delays, so the trip wasn’t too long. To entertain myself, I brought a book with me called, “The Inner Game of Tennis.” I almost managed to finish reading it in one sitting.

I really loved it! I was so glad that my friend had suggested that location, and we walked and caught up. The weather has been so nice lately, you should all check out the Botanic Garden. Highly recommend

My absolute favourite was the bonsai garden.

Not much of an impressive photo, but it’s a lot nicer when you are there.

Not much of an impressive photo, but it’s a lot nicer when you are there.

Postcard from (this) Summer

End of the summer, and the beginning of a new season! 

Autumn makes me excited, and as in fact it is my favourite season of the whole 12-month year. Even the air smells different, and my walk to the subway stop feels different. Too bad that the autumn doesn’t stay with us for a long time. Autumn is more like so-called a summer fling for me, I guess –– something which happened so briefly, and left us with good memories at the end.

Anyway, lots of things happened over the summer: visiting Korea, losing wisdom teeth, playing a few concerts, hunting for wild mushrooms, purchasing a film camera, etc etc etc. Often I have bittersweet feelings for wrapping things up, but this time I don't have that feelings. Finally the autumn is here, and I had a great summer. 

(As I writing about my excitement for autumn, I thought of a scene from a movie, 500 Days of Summer, where Tom meets Autumn after his love for Summer did not work out the way he wished.) 

Here’s a photo I took over the summer. This was taken in Lake George, New York while I was attending a music festival there. 

Lake George, New York. 35mm / olympus om-2n

Lake George, New York. 35mm / olympus om-2n

P.S. Here's a video of what I was talking about ... the final scene from 500 Days of Summer, where Tom meets Autumn ...