what more

What else? What more?

Things have gotten slow. At least in the music world, things are still slow. It’s so slow that there seems to be no movement what-so-ever. Friends and colleagues are considering different career paths. I understand the frustration because I also thought about a series of different career paths.

I started thinking about what I enjoy doing, what I could do, what I should do … etc. The answer is always going back to the music. Both fortunately and unfortunately given the circumstances, music is a destined career path for me. I picked a lifestyle and a career as a musician––a professional one. It has been rewarding because it is not an easy path to follow. From time to time, I sometimes doubt my decision. But music always comes back to me (or I always go back to music). Music is a way that I can express and interpret human emotions; the best way that I know.

How do I love my strong relationship with music even more? Where does my art stand in this dystopian world? How do I enjoy this rollercoaster ride despite everything?  How did my passion start, and where is it heading now? 

The answer is … I don’t know. The answer may or may not come to me. Enjoy the present … that may be the answer, and that might be the answer. But I also know that once a passion turns into work, then the magic disappears. It is no longer love. It is an obligation. So what do I do?